About Us
MCF Public School Kalpetta, founded in 2001 is the prime project of Muslim Cultural Foundation Charitable Society(Regd).
The Society, a non profit charitable organisation is managing educational institutions, orphanages and charitable services. Affiliated to the CBSE, New Delhi, the school is full fledged secondary school with strength of over 1000 students.
The school is accredited institution by NIOS, MHRD, Govt. ofIndia and declared as Minority Educational Institution by National Commission for Minority Education Institution, Govt. of India.
The School offers the best quality education and maintanence of cosmopolitan and secular outlook and will endeavour to cultivate the same in to the children. Equal importance is given to co scholastic and extra curricular activities to bring out the latent talent in each child. Individual talents will be identified, cherished and channelized to make optimum use of it in the moulding of his / her future.

Our motto is help each other with devotion for the blessings from the Almighty; to explore, aim higher and forge new paths to reach the ultimate goals without sacrificing the values of life. We know the standard in education: The highest, going far beyond curriculum, we seek to prepare children for every challenge the future has in store for them be it academic, artistic cerebral or corporal. We understand that each child has a precious and infinite human resource and impart curriculum to inculcate all attitude that leads the child to unfold
naturally into a well balanced individual.